tisdag 18 oktober 2011

We want Lakhi! We want Lakhi!

Sverige 23.38, Ohio 17.38

Okej, så, homecoming. Massa lekar, pep rallies, när hela skolan samlas i gympasalen, bandet spelar, cheerleadersarna cheerar och alla leker lekar och hejar på skolan. Till exempel filt-race, med ett par från varje årskull som skulle upp och ner för planen dragandes på några andra på en filt. Det var kul.
   De minsta barnen var värst dock. Sicken school spirit dem har! De hade letat efter maskoten, Kai, hela veckan, och ropade efter honom i gympasalen och när han tillslut kom skrev de sig hesa av glädje, haha. :)

Själva dansen var AWESOME, hur bra som helst! Vi gick ut och åt innan, vilket var gott, och sen dansade vi dårå. Dock var den bara i 3 timmar, det var synd :/

Ohio 6.29 PM, Sweden 12.29 AM

Okay, so, homecoming. Lots of games, pep-rallies, which are events where the school gaters in the gym, the band plays and the cheerleaders cheer and everybody plays games and cheers on the school. One game was the blanket race, in which a few people from each class pulled a blanket with people on it across the court. That was fun.
   The youngest kids were the most intense though. They have the best school spirit ever! They had been looking for the school's maskot, Kai, the whole week, and were screaming his name in the gym trying to get him back. Finally, he came, and they cheered lke ever before. They were cute.

The actual dance was AWESOME, so much fun. We went out to eat before, and then we danced, but only for 3 h though. Too bad it was only 3 h, it was so fun.

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